The Richie’s Room Dog Trainer Interview – all you ever Wanted to Know about Lisa Jackson

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How well do we really know the people who help us to train our dogs and to manage any behavioural issues that they may have?

Do they use Positive Dog Training methods as advocated by the likes of Victoria Stilwell?

Or are they stuck in the past with the Dominance methods employed by Cesar Millan?

Do they drink tea or coffee?!

And where does their greatest challenge lie? I suspect that this probably sums it up:

I can train any dog in 5 minutes. It’s training the owner that takes longer.

Barbara Woodhouse

With that in mind, I thought that it may be interesting to find out a little more about some dog trainers and behaviourists.

Welcome to ‘The Richie’s Room dog trainer interview‘.

In this episode, we are going to meet the lady who first introduced me to dog training – Lisa Jackson. Thank you, Lisa!

Let’s get started …

Introducing – Lisa Jackson

As a child, Lisa always loved animals.

Ultimately, it was this love of animals that brought her to where she is now – the owner of Lisa Jackson’s Dog Training. Running the business means that she gets to spend lots (and lots!) of time with dogs every day of the week.

Even now, after many years in business, her love for animals, and for dogs in particular, drives her to continue studying the many aspects relating to their care.

Getting to Know Lisa

This series of questions is designed to tell us a little more about Lisa other than her role with dogs.

1. What jobs have you done before becoming a dog trainer?
dog trainer interview lisa jackson - notes and coins
Dog trainers need financial acumen as well as their canine training skills

When I finished school my dad wanted me to go to university. I wanted to work with animals. As a compromise, I agreed to work for a bank.

The bank helped me to understand, from a bank’s perspective, how businesses worked. Doing something that you love is hugely rewarding in itself but a business needs to make money – running a business incurs expenses that have to be met.

My commercial experience was then broadened when I moved on from banking to managerial roles, first at a petrol station and then at a newsagent.

I then managed to combine my love for animals with continuing my commercial experience when I began to work for a veterinary practice.

2. What is your favourite takeaway food?

I don’t usually eat takeaway food.

3. In the 15 minutes of free time that you have available each week, what do you like to do? What hobbies do you enjoy?

Actually, I have very little free time at the moment – it is mostly consumed by continued study.

4. What is your hot beverage of choice? Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, something else?
dog trainer interview lisa jackson - cup of tea
Tea time!


Nothing fancy, a cup of Tetley tea is fine!

5. You’ve just won £100m!! The only catch, if you can call it a catch, is that you have to spend it all. How would you spend it?

I know that some of my clients have financial difficulties. I would make sure that they are financially secure and able to continue looking after their dogs.

I would also make sure that all of my staff are OK.

After that, I would donate the remaining money to charity.

6. Tell us a little about your own pets.

I have two dogs; Nahla, a Flat-coated Retriever, and Rossi, a British Bulldog.

dog trainer interview lisa jackson - nahla doing agility
Nahla – expending energy
dog trainer interview lisa jackson - rossi chilling
Rossi – conserving energy
7. Hollywood has come knocking at your door and wants to make a film about you! Suspend your disbelief and tell us which actor you would choose to play you.

I really don’t know.

[Richie : Lisa doesn’t watch many films and struggled to think of an appropriate actress so … I’ve discussed it with her partner, Darren, and we’ve picked somebody that we think would be ideal : Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor in the Terminator film series)]

8. Which TV series do you currently enjoy watching?

I’m not normally a fan of Jeremy Clarkson (that’s the polite version!).

However, I’ve really enjoyed watching Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon Prime. There were times when I even felt quite sorry for him!

9. Imagine that you could instantly learn any new skill (like Neo in The Matrix). What skill would you choose?

I really struggle with IT sometimes so I would have to pick that!

Lisa as a Dog Trainer

OK, this series of questions relates to Lisa’s role with dogs.

1. What led you to become a dog trainer? Tell us your story!

I used to train and compete with horses – until I fell and broke my neck!

Circumstances following the accident meant that I had to sell the horses but, when I was recovered, I knew that I wanted to train animals again.

While I was working at a veterinary practice I noticed that very little attention was given to behavioural issues. This was something that I was very interested in and so I began to study.

Once I had sufficient knowledge, I slowly began to do behavioural work outside of the vet practice (but with their consent). As my experience increased, I found that I preferred the behavioural aspect to the nursing aspect and this was what prompted me to begin my own business.

2. How would you describe your approach to training?

As positive and reward-based as possible.

It is important to realise that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to dog training. You have to look at each dog as an individual and do what works for that particular dog.

3. In relation to dog training and behaviour, what training, experience, and qualifications do you have?
dog trainer interview lisa jackson - owl
Athena’s sidekick!

I have a COAPE (Centre Of Applied Pet Ethology) diploma in Training.

I also have diplomas in Canine Nutrition and Health, Hydrotherapy, Canine Exercise and Rehabilitation, and Canine Massage.

I am a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor in both Training and Behaviour.

4. If you could only teach one skill to an owner, what would it be and why?


Dogs are very intelligent but it still takes time to learn new things (just as it takes us humans time to learn new things).

5. What do you think is the most difficult skill to teach?


Our patience will achieve more than our force.

Edmund Burke
6. Which trainer has had the most impact on your development as a trainer? (this can be in person, podcasts, video or a good old-fashioned book)

Robin Walker. Sadly no longer with us, Robin was a vet by profession, but specialised in and lectured on behavioural problems in companion animals. He was co-founder of COAPE.

Angela Stockdale. Originally a veterinary nurse, Angela’s interest in canine behaviour developed after she noticed the number of dogs being brought in for euthanasia because of aggression issues. She began to work with these dogs and the majority were successfully returned home to their families.

7. What is your favourite thing to teach?

No one thing.

8. Do you use video recordings during your training or behavioural sessions?

No, I don’t.

9. Are there any lessons that you have learned during your time as a trainer that you feel may be valuable to somebody considering a career as a dog trainer?

Once again, patience is key.

Realising that all dogs, and their owners, are individuals. Some are easier to teach than others. Some just don’t listen.

You have to earn the trust of your clients and love their dogs as much as they do.

10. What do you enjoy most about being a dog trainer?

The interaction with such a wide range of dogs and people.

11. What do you think are the best ways for owners to bond with their dogs?

Spend more time with them. It doesn’t matter if it is exercising, training, playing, feeding, or simply snuggling on the sofa – just spend time with them.

You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.

Charles Buxton
12. What aspect of training do owners usually find most difficult? And how do you help them deal with this?

Millions of different things!

Just as dogs are individuals and need tailored training, so are owners and their needs.

13. Where do you see your career with dogs heading? Do you have any plans or ambitions that you can share?
dog trainer interview lisa jackson - hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy – calmly

I think that there will be an increased need for rehabilitation treatment for sick and injured dogs.

I’m continuing to study various forms of rehabilitation to supplement my knowledge in relation to training and behaviour.

dog trainer interview lisa jackson - hydrotherapy harvey
Hydrotherapy – Labrador-style (Harvey LOVES his swims)
14. And finally, if you could travel back in time to the point when you began your dog training career – would you still do it? If not, why not? If so, is there anything that you would do differently?

This is a tough question as things have changed greatly from when I first started.

There is so much more choice available now to anybody looking to work with animals generally and dogs in particular.

With the same choices available when I began I would still do the same thing. But if it was a young me starting in the present time I may change my focus.

Contacting Lisa

So, if having read Lisa’s answers you’d like to contact her, or follow her on social media, the details you need are as follows:


Featured image and pictures of Lisa, Nahla and Rossi provided courtesy of Darren Beach

And …

Content images provided courtesy of stuxcongerdesignfietzfotos

The End

Richie's Room - Harv leaving
Time to go!

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46 thoughts on “The Richie’s Room Dog Trainer Interview – all you ever Wanted to Know about Lisa Jackson”

    • Thanks for your feedback, Lucy. Yes, Lisa is great – I’ve learned so much from her over the years.

    • Thanks very much, Ruth. Yes, I’m very jealous of Lisa – getting to meet such a huge variety of dogs must be brilliant (although I don’t envy the amount of hard work that goes into it!)

  1. Patience is as tough a thing to teach to someone else as it is to learn yourself, but practicing it daily is a big help in making it a consistent part of your life.

    I love learning about Lisa’s journey, from where she started out to where she is now. It is so interesting to see how people compromise to incorporate the elements they need into their lives alongside other opportunities that help them unexpectedly along the way.
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. I loved reading this interview! Lisa seems to be a great trainer and completely agree that patience is the hardest to teach! So glad to see that her experience then brought her to work with animals as she wished x

  3. What a lovely interview with my namesake – I can sympathise regarding the horses, I’ve had many a bad fall, although thankfully nothing as serious as hers. And I’m in wholehearted agreement with her view on Jeremy Clarkson too!

    • Thanks, Lisa. I’m not a horse rider but I can imagine that you hit the ground with quite a thump if you fall from that sort of height! I think JC is winning over a lot of new fans (either that or they just like watching him suffer!)

  4. I really enjoyed your last interview I read with Theo so it’s nice to get to know someone else in the field.

    It’s lovely to learn more about Lisa, it really is important that we get to know those who are training our pets to make sure they are a good fit. It’s great Lisa got some background in how businesses work with her Bank background. I also love a good cup of Tetley tea! So sweet that she is thinking about other people if she were to win money, that shows a lovely part of her character I think.

    Thank you for sharing more about Lisa and letting us get to know her.

    • Hi Jordanne. I’m glad that you are enjoying the interviews. Thank you for your lovely comment.

    • Hey Molly. I’m glad that you liked the interview questions. Yes, Lisa is great and very generous.

    • Thanks for your comment, Lil. Much appreciated. No reason why you can’t be just like Lisa one day – follow your dreams!

  5. Oh this is so lovely – it must be so rewarding, especially getting to work closely with the dogs and their families, knowing you’re making a difference xx

  6. What kind of personality does a dog have to have to not respond to positive and reward based training?

    Downloading IT skills matrix style would indeed be very useful, I’d certainly like to know everything about computer engineering without having to actually study

    • Thank you very much for your comment. In my experience, the only time positive training doesn’t work is when you haven’t found the reward that works for that particular dog – not all dogs are food-driven. The Matrix-style of learning would be nifty, wouldn’t it?

  7. It has been very interesting to read about Lisa’s rich experience and path to training dogs. She talks on such an important thing as patience and reward-based training. A great interview. Thank you!

    • Hi and thank you very much for your feedback. I’m pleased that you found the interview interesting.

  8. Another great interview, Richie! Lisa sounds like a powerhouse of a woman, we could all learn a thing or two from her training style! Also – I’m besotted with Rossi, and got completely distracted by him! Such a good boy ha!

    • Hi Simona. Yes, she is indeed a powerhouse of a woman – I like that description, I must remember to tell her the next time that I see her 🙂 And, yes, Rossi is awesome!

  9. I love dogs so much! I can’t have one because of living in an apartment and travelling so much but when I go home, my sister’s dog is the one I’m most looking forward to seeing haha!
    Your interview questions are great! I was trying to answer all the questions while reading Lisa’s answers (Anna Kendrick would play me in a movie).
    I love how passionate Lisa is about her work and that she’s working towards learning more about rehabilitation for dogs.

    • Hi Vourneen. I’m glad that you enjoyed the interview and were able to play along! Yes, Lisa love’s dogs and so loves her work 🙂

  10. hello! what a great post, i’ve never had a dog so I really don’t know much about dog training or what is involved but this post is going to be so helpful to people who have dogs. Thanks for sharing! Alicia


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